Friday, November 18, 2011

Better Late than Never

If this blog is going to be anything like the zillion diaries I have attempted to write then its a temporary thing. But I have a good feeling about this and I think this is going to be different...

A little on the name, I picked it for the simple reason that this one activity however inane it may seem just kind of transports you into your own world. You can spend endless minutes just staring idly at the colorful bubbles floating across...a time blissfully spent day dreaming...a time when you're not even pretending to act all busy and important...a time when you ooh-aah like a child at each floating bubble. It is the most beautiful feeling, try it !!

So why now you would ask? Well not that I have suddenly chanced upon some life changing topics to converse on but with time on my hands I feel like talking. And that's what this blog is for - to ramble. Occasionally you may chance upon a particular rare insightful life altering thought, but the chances of that happening are quite minimal. Having said that, I will be writing what I think and I invite you to write back what you think.

A little about me...well I've just shifted to the land of plenty,US' after getting married couple of months back. While I see myself as an independent young person ready to explore the world but this transition was harder than I imagined it to be. For starters saying goodbye to family is always tough especially when you're such a cry baby. But thankfully I'm at the stage when I can control my eyes watering when seeing family pictures. Next I had to quit my job to come here. So while others who don't get to sleep in late may get envious of my new found employment status but honestly I'd do anything to go back to times when I had to set an alarm everyday. My husband (lets call him V) has been supportive throughout these months to help me adjust to my new life here. He's done his masters here and hence spent last 2 yrs here so he's definitely more accustomed to everything. What I have liked is this new feeling of being the proud caretaker of our house - I actually love cleaning and keeping things in order. While I do tend to go overboard but I like to believe its for the best. Cooking is something I never did back in India and despite my mothers repeated pleas could never gather the interest to get started. My argument being 'when I'll eventually have to do it I will' and that's exactly what I am doing now. What started of as scientific experiments in the kitchen have now taken a different meaning as I get more comfortable cooking and more daring in my culinary attempts. Thankfully V has been a patient understanding guinea pig. Well I think I've rambled on enough for today...Au revoir !