Thursday, December 15, 2011

Dream on

Something weird (or spooky according to V) happened last night. Well sometime in the middle of night I got up laughing, and not just a random giggle or a chuckle but loud heeeeehaaaww laughter...
V: (Rudely woken up by maniacal laughter and suddenly plonks himself straight on the bed)..'D D what on earth was that? wake up will you?
Me: (trying to make sense of the rude shoving) Why what happened? Why are you so loud? 
V: Me?? loud? Did you just hear yourself, you were laughing like a hyena 30 seconds back. It was so scary.       Please don't do that again. 
Me: Really? Well if i was laughing then it was probably a nice dream and nothing to be scared about
V: Next time you try waking up to your laughter at 3am and we'll see
D: Hmm...fine 

Now I've always been teased by friends that I laugh funny (does that even sound right but you get the drift). While I never really thought so but I guess it could be alarming coming in the night. V swore he couldn't sleep the entire night after that. So today I got up wondering what could be the reason for the crazy midnight chortles.The only plausible explanation seems that I must have had a wonderful dream and something hilarious must have happened in it. Now it used to really bug me that I never remembered what I dreamt about. But then again the last time I did, turned out to be quite unpleasant. It was a couple of weeks back when I got up in the night screaming and literally jumped out of the bed because I thought a lizard is going to fall on me. Now I can take anything scary - ghost and graveyard stories, spirit stuff,  etc but even the thought of these slimy reptiles makes my hair stand up.After being comforted and pacified by V that there are no lizards in our apartment I happily went back to sleep. Next day morning wanting to interpret what it could have possibly meant I was in deep thought and relied on good ol' google to solve the mystery for me. Well it turned out that lizards in dreams are not considered to be a good omen and there was some other nasty stuff mentioned. After that I figure I'm better of not remembering anything or just laughing it off !

So have you ever had any weird/insightful dreams that you've actually remembered? And on a totally random note check out in case you already haven't. It's by a woman who blogs about her sleep talking husbands funniest moments. Amusing. 

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